Control Hypertension, Expand Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical condition that is prone to cause complications ranging from stroke, heart disease, to kidney failure. Therefore, if already diagnosed with hypertension then one needs to immediately control by applying a healthy lifestyle.

Starting from stopping the consumption of cigarettes, alcohol, exercise routine, to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Especially for fruits and vegetables Digestive health experts from RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, explains its consumption can keep us from hypertension in several ways.

The first way is to help maintain the ideal weight. Because as is known obesity is one risk factor for hypertension.

"Then the second component of the fiber will also reduce the absorption of cholesterol and blood sugar in the intestine, so finally with us consume a lot of this fiber body so healthy," said Dr. Ari when met by Directorate General of P2P, Jl. Printing State, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (5/17/2017).

The last way the consumption of fruits and vegetables can maintain a healthy body to avoid hypertension is to be food for good bacteria in the body.

"Probiotics are good germs that exist in the large intestine.With us eat lots of fruit he will be food for probiotics make it healthy," said Dr. Ari.

"Probiotics is what makes our condition can grow healthy," he concluded.


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